Research Capability Building - A Strategy to Sustain Research Climate in the SUCs and Poverty Alleviation in the Countryside: The UNP Experience


  • Lauro B. Tacbas
  • Jimmy R. Soria
  • Alfredo R. Rabena


The University of Norther Philippines employed strategic solutions to create a research climate, build research interests, and sustain the enthusiasm of faculty members by employing and enhancing their research capability through conducting research capability building seminar-workshops (RCBSW) cum presentation. The performance of the University is evaluated based on some indicators provided by the Commission on Higher Education (CHEd) as a result of the 2001-2003 SUC leveling and a self-assessment for 2004-2006 and the present year. The conduct of the mandatory RCBS in all the 12 colleges of the university increased substantially the number of active researchers and upgraded the performance of the faculty members and the University as a whole. Institutional initiatives were fully implemented. Policies and guidelines on benefits, opportunities, and grants were realized. Research linkages and networks were forged with local and international entities. Research climate was established and sustained. Research outputs were presented, published, disseminated and adopted; some were commercialized. Local government units facilitated the adoption of technologies in the countryside. Private entrepreneurs were also benefited from the technologies generated.




How to Cite

Lauro B. Tacbas, Jimmy R. Soria, & Alfredo R. Rabena. (2007). Research Capability Building - A Strategy to Sustain Research Climate in the SUCs and Poverty Alleviation in the Countryside: The UNP Experience. The Vector: International Journal of Emerging Science, Technology and Management (IJESTM), 16(1). Retrieved from




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