Mechanical Test of Concrete with Aggregates Hauled from Strategic Quarry Sites in Ilocos Sur


  • Franklyn T. Amistad



This study aimed to conduct a mechanical test of concrete with aggregates hauled from the strategic quarry sites in Ilocos Sur. There were three samples for each of the source of aggregates for the mechanical tests using the Universal Testing Machine. The compressive strength of cylinder concrete is below the allowable compressive ultimate strength set by the ASTMwhich is 3252 psi for 41- day old sample and 3186 psifor 37 days specimen. For the concrete hollow block samples, the compressive strength was above the allowable value set by the Philippine Trade Standard Specification of 350 psi. The flexural stress was above the 15 percent of 3000 psi which is 525 psi. Based on the findings the F-value ofthe different mechanical test is very much below the tabular F-value of 7. 71 at 5 percent level of significance. With these findings, the researcher recommends that the physical test should be conducted to determine the cleanliness of the earth material and the other physical properties of the aggregates. The economic aspects shall be considered when choosing the source of aggregates and when producing concrete hollow blocks to maintain a higher compressive/crushing strength.




How to Cite

Franklyn T. Amistad. (2008). Mechanical Test of Concrete with Aggregates Hauled from Strategic Quarry Sites in Ilocos Sur. The Vector: International Journal of Emerging Science, Technology and Management (IJESTM), 17(1).




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