Prototyping of a Mechanized Bagoong Squeezer


  • Manuel A. Bajet Jr.,
  • Norma A. Esguerra



The high demand for bagoong keeps the processing as one of the established industries of Region 1. Its presence in every home justifies its indispensability to the Ilocano cuisine. This prototyping project surfaced from an expressed need of one bagoong processor from Santa, Ilocos Sur. The designed machine has a capacity of 24 liters. It has several parts: a) a perforated cylindrical bucket with paddle which carries the fish substrate, b) a one-directional motor, hp capacity, c) the casing which houses the bucket and the motor, and d) its accessories: the electrical controls and faucets . The cylindrical bucket spins at an approximate speed of 1700 rpm. Three (3) models were constructed. To document the comparative performance per model, the ANOVA was done. All three models manifested significant results. From the usual squeezing time ranging from 30 to 45 minutes, then followed by another 15 minutes for bottling with the manual method, the first model did both squeezing and bottling in 5 min, 24 seconds, while the 3" model further improved to 3 minutes, 6 seconds. In conclusion, the designed machine satisfied the requirements of the cooperator, but did not satisfy the requirements of the Pangasinan bagoong processors. It is then recommended that a higher capacity ofmotor and more complicated design to take care of other concerns be adopted to meet Pangasinan's export requirement.




How to Cite

Manuel A. Bajet Jr., & Norma A. Esguerra. (2008). Prototyping of a Mechanized Bagoong Squeezer. The Vector: International Journal of Emerging Science, Technology and Management (IJESTM), 17(1).




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